Google Project 10^100

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Google has opened the competition called Project 10100 about new ideas that would change the world by helping as many people as possible. I applied with three projects that together pretty much define the basis of my system Humanism. This system will one day totally change the world and make it a wonderful place to be. Here are my proposals:


I.    Humanism 1/3: Let's build democratic anarchism  


1.         What one sentence best describes your idea? (maximum 150 characters)  

The history of humankind is bad because it was made by fighting for privileges; when we end privileges we will get a good and sane society: Humanism


2.         Describe your idea in more depth. (maximum 300 words)  

I have invented a system of democratic anarchy. It is an extremely simple and powerful tool that gives every person equal legislative, judicial and executive powers in society. Each person will get the right to evaluate let's say three people positively and three people negatively every month. Each positive assessment should automatically bring a small benefit, let's say one dollar, to the assessed person. And any negative assessment will result in a punishment of the same form. What would we get? Such a small power in the people's hands will make individuals respect each other strongly. It will direct each member of society to create the greatest possible conveniences to other people, and to diminish or abolish creation of all forms of disadvantages.  

People will judge other people freely. That means an immoral person may evaluate other people dishonestly but it will not matter much because an individual power of one dollar cannot produce harm to anybody. Individuals will not have much power in society but their evaluations joined together will be very powerful. A person who receives a large number of negative evaluations would try hard to avoid doing anything inconvenient to other people. Besides, the person who receives bad evaluations would never know who has evaluated him negatively so that he would try to improve his behaviour towards everyone. As the result, bullies will not harass children at school any more, bosses will not abuse their employees at work, neighbours will not produce noise at night, salespeople will not cheat on their customers, politicians will not lie to people, etc. They will all try to please other people in the best possible way. This is what will take privileged powers from all the people; this is what will eliminate social evil and form a good society.  


3.         What problem or issue does your idea address? (maximum 150 words)  

The system of democratic anarchy will especially affect authorities. The higher the position an authority has in society, the greater the responsibility he would bare to society. For example: The president of the US might get 100,000,000 bad evaluations from the American people and 1,000,000,000 from other people around the world for bad policies, lies, and for criminal aggressions on countries. That would cost him 1,100,000,000 dollars in only one month. On the other hand, I doubt that his supporters would certainly evaluate him positively because they might easily have higher positive evaluation priorities and would spend their positive evaluations elsewhere. Non-privileged presidents would not dare to perform bad policies any more. And if it happens somehow, they would run away from their positions very fast. Only the most skilful and brave individuals would dare to lead countries. They will not be authorities any more but our servants.  


4.         If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how? (maximum 150 words) 

Democratic anarchy can be tested immediately in countries that do not have strong privacy laws. All what is needed is a simple web application and good will. People will need to request the registration to the web site presenting their IDs. They will receive user-IDs and temporary passwords. Then each user will evaluate three people positively and three people negatively monthly by entering information about them into the web site. At the beginning there will not be any monetary awards or punishment involved. It cannot be performed before the governments and people formally accept democratic anarchy. However, the result will still be very affirmative. By searching the website, users may find the top positively and negatively evaluated people by country, city, company, name, etc. Nobody would like to be on the bad side of the evaluation. Such result will bring noticeable improvements to all the people in these countries.  


5.         What are the initial steps required to get this idea off the ground? (maximum 150 words)  

Google’s fund, allocated to this project, can produce a profitable movie “Heaven”. The screenplay location is in the YouTube video. The movie is based on my ideas and presents the bright future of humankind through a very funny story. The movie is supposed to get huge public attention, which could put pressure on scientists to take my ideas seriously. Scientists should develop the system more. Then some political parties around the world might propose the new system to the people. Sooner or later some people will vote for such a party and accept democratic anarchy. Their parliament will establish the required laws, these people will try the new system, and that will start building humanism. The people will make their community a wonderful place to be. When the rest of the world recognises that, it will follow suit. The whole world will start building the bright future of humankind.  


6.         Describe the optimal outcome should your idea be selected and successfully implemented. How would you measure it? (maximum 150 words)  

Democratic anarchy is actually the most powerful tool of justice ever. How come? The answer lies in time. There is a saying: "Silent water moves hills". The permanent power of evaluation even with such a small power like one dollar will make people strongly respect each other. Human beings will become values. Everyone will try hard to please society in the best possible way. That will create a miracle no other tool of justice has ever been able to make. That will create a good and sane society.  

In the future, the system of evaluation will probably abolish state laws, police, military force, and very states. Nobody will need them anymore. The measure of the success of my ideas will be a perfect society and everyone will recognise that. The world will become prosperous beyond the wildest dreams today; it will become paradise on earth.   


7.         You may also submit 1 YouTube video (max 30 seconds long) explaining  your project.



II.    Humanism 2/3: Let’s build the market of work posts 


1.           What one sentence best describes your idea? (maximum 150 characters)  

The history of humankind is bad because it was made by fighting for privileges; when we end privileges we will get a good and sane society: Humanism  


2.          Describe your idea in more depth. (maximum 300 words)  

I have invented the market of work posts. It will affect publicly owned companies only. There is no better division of labour than an open market competition of workers for every work post. The worker who offers the highest productivity for any public work post at any time will take the job. Productivity could be measured by earned money, by quality or quantity of produced goods, or by the productivity evaluation of workers by customers. A worker who offers higher profits, more produced goods, better, cheaper, or cleaner production will take the job immediately.  

The new economy will bring a new efficient system for determining the workers’ responsibility for the realization of proposed productivity. It will allocate greater profits to those who contribute more to the betterment of society and greater punishments to those who produce larger damages to society.  

A work post with limited productivity will go to the worker who demands the lowest price for current labour and, consequently, a lower income. Therefore, better jobs will realize lower incomes and worse jobs will be better compensated through higher incomes. This way, the labour market will balance the interest in all job posts. That is an idea. How to make such changes to bring the most possible advantages and the least possible disadvantages to society is just a technical question.

The new system will make full employment a reality. If creation of new work positions is not needed, full employment will be achieved by reducing work hours in the public companies proportionately to the unemployment rate. The united public companies will be developing their production on the basis of customers’ orders, and will thus achieve the most stable production. Work competition will ensure the best production performance, and will therefore realise the greatest consumer convenience to society.  


3.         What problem or issue does your idea address? (maximum 150 words)  

The new system I have proposed offers much more market than capitalism can afford. No economy can be more productive than the one where the best available worker gets each job. Such an economy will easily become significantly more profitable than the capitalist one, so that the latter will be forced to recede. Also, workers will no longer be interested in working for private enterprises where they do not have enough freedom to choose jobs, to decide on their income, nor do they have an opportunity to share in the profits. The owners of the means of productions who voluntarily surrender their private properties to society will be properly compensated for their ownership. This is actually a peaceful revolution. In a good society, central values are human beings, not capital. When capitalism is done, humanism will step in and an unthinkably better future for humankind will begin. 


4.         If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how? (maximum 150 words)  

The work competition will probably not be easy to implement, but it’s far from impossible to accomplish. However, this is the best division of work possible. It’s also the only good one. The work competition will bring unlimited benefits to society. It will make the best and most profitable production possible. The open market of work posts will eliminate privileges, which will eliminate corruption, the origin of immorality in today’s world. The market of work posts will give people freedom to choose work they love more, it will make work become a direct value in itself and people will enjoy working. The freedom will open the process of disalienation; it will allow people to find where real values are. The high level of responsibility from workers will inevitably end up in cooperation at all levels of production processes, and will thus contribute to the highly productive development of society.  


5.         What are the initial steps required to get this idea off the ground? (maximum 150 words) 

Google’s fund, allocated to this project, can produce a profitable movie “Heaven”. The screenplay location is in the YouTube video. The movie is based on my ideas and presents the bright future of humankind through a very funny story. The movie is supposed to get huge public attention, which could put pressure on scientists to take my ideas seriously. Scientists should develop the system more. Then some political parties around the world might propose the new system to the people. Sooner or later some people will vote for such a party and accept the market of work posts. Their parliament will establish the required laws, these people will try the system, and that will start building humanism. They’ll make their community a wonderful place to be. When the rest of the world recognises that, it will follow suit. The whole world will start building the bright future of humankind. 


6.         Describe the optimal outcome should your idea be selected and successfully implemented. How would you measure it? (maximum 150 words)  

The political and economic model presented here will improve the efficiency and stability of production, introduce more justice into the process of production and distribution, and provide significantly greater advantages to all members of society. Generally, this system will rid the people of authoritative pressure and give them freedom to follow their own interests, while at the same time forcing people to mutual respect. Such experience will demystify the values imposed by authorities, and will teach people to live in accordance with their nature, which will in turn free them from alienation, the main characteristic of present-day society. Furthermore, the system will teach people to set their needs in accordance with the possibilities of satisfying them. This is the chief prerequisite for overcoming destructiveness in society because people who permanently satisfy their needs are not destructive. The proposed system promises a natural, harmonious, and highly prosperous development of society.   


7.         You may also submit 1 YouTube video (max 30 seconds long) explaining  your project.



III.    Humanism 3/3: Let’s build direct democracy        


1.         What one sentence best describes your idea? (maximum 150 characters)

The history of humankind is bad because it was made by fighting for privileges; when we end privileges we will get a good and sane society: Humanism  


2.         Describe your idea in more depth. (maximum 300 words)  

The future of democracy will no longer be based on elected leaders. People will take privileged powers from them. The development of information technology will allow people to participate directly in making all key decisions of joint interest. The most important decisions will probably be determining the macroeconomic policy of society. Each worker will decide what percentage of his own gross income he wants to intend for taxes. The average value of all the individual decisions will form the percentage of gross income intended for taxes for all.  

The people can decide on the allocation of the tax money for various common expenses: investments in production, maintenance and building objects and services: health, education, housing, recreation, infrastructure, etc. Theoretically, the people can further decide on distribution of the tax money inside the joined consumption groups as long as they have interests in it. The more the individuals in society democratically increase taxes, the more they will develop the democratically planned economy and therefore, create a more rational and stable production. Following the living experience, the people will learn how much money needs to be allocated for taxes and what is the best way to spend it. 

Each worker may also participate in setting the range between workers’ incomes by determining the level of minimal wage. The average value of all decisions of all workers will determine the minimum income. If interest in performing work is insufficient, the society may directly reduce the minimal income, which would stimulate workers to work more. If productivity is higher than necessary, the society will then increase the minimal income and thus reduce the income-based stimulation for work.  

The more the people get the decision-making power in society, the more they will feel like a part of society, the more they will accept their society.


 3.         What problem or issue does your idea address? (maximum 150 words)  

All individuals of society will directly decide about allocation of all joined resources including monetary assets for military forces collected through the taxes. By having a stable and good relationship among nations, which the new system offers, people would individually allocate no money for armies and armies would cease to exist. In the new system waging wars will be totally impossible. 

The new tax system will gradually replace the instability of the market economy with a stable production based on people’s planning. However, it’s not of prime importance what kind of decisions the people will make about taxes, a greater importance lies in allowing people to make the decisions about taxes. Once the people get the power to make direct decisions in society they will find a great satisfaction in it and no authority will be able to take this power from them any more because they wouldn’t allow it.  


4.         If your idea were to become a reality, who would benefit the most and how? (maximum 150 words)  

The new system will affect the whole world. Not only is my system the best solution to the problems of today’s world, it’s also the only good one. Good solutions to humankind must give power to the people, and my system fully accomplishes that. That’s the reason my system is the condition sine qua non for a good future for humankind. My system prevents hunger, fear, corruption, narcissism, racism, immorality, crime, war, and all types of destruction in the society and encourages development of productive human powers. In short, the system promises a better life for everyone and harmony to the people. It will turn the main principles that humankind has been established on so far upside down. The impact to the people will be so enormous that the future generations will call everything before the implementation prehistory and everything from the implementation on will be called the civilization.  


5.         What are the initial steps required to get this idea off the ground? (maximum 150 words)  

Google’s fund, allocated to this project, can produce a profitable movie “Heaven”. The screenplay location is in the YouTube video. The movie is based on my ideas and presents the bright future of humankind through a very funny story. The movie is supposed to get huge public attention, which could put pressure on scientists to take my ideas seriously. Scientists should develop the system more. Then some political parties around the world might propose the new system to the people. Sooner or later some people will vote for such a party and accept direct democracy. Their parliament will establish the required laws, these people will try the new system, and that will start building humanism. The people will make their community a wonderful place to be. When the rest of the world recognises that, it will follow suit. Then the whole world will start building the bright future of humankind. 


6.         Describe the optimal outcome should your idea be selected and successfully implemented. How would you measure it? (maximum 150 words)  

My humanism will save the planet Earth from all social evil and will create love, joy, peace, health, beauty, freedom, security, justice, equality, harmony, abundance; it will make paradise on earth.        


7.         You may also submit 1 YouTube video (max 30 seconds long) explaining  your project.


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Copyright protected at Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada           Last updated: January 15, 2011
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