Electronic Tagging

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Peter Nicolaysen wrote:

It seems to me that to make what you propose work would require that every individual on the planet be tracked from birth to death. This would only be possible with massive computer infrastructure and electronic tagging of every person. One single Electromagnetic Pulse could then have the ability to destroy the entire system. In addition with that level of control and tracking of individuals, the people charged with running the system would have almost unlimited power. There is a very old saying in the world "Ultimate Power, Ultimately corrupts" All centralize systems have suffered massively from corruption of those in the centre, the temptation is huge. How will your system address the problem of human nature being less than perfect, and sometimes completely evil.


Aleksandar Šarović wrote:

There is not a technical problem to implement such a system even today. Internet server networking with backup servers would perform what ever is needed without problems. If you are concerned about the privacy of information it could be establish the same way as it is today. The people charged with running and maintaining the system will be technicians without power at all. The unlimited power would belong only to the people through the process of direct democracy and democratic anarchy. It should be clear that democratic anarchy would significantly diminish evil. Social evil will be totally destroyed by the system itself through the process of disalienation. That is actually what the whole book is about and it cannot be explained briefly.


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