US Agencies Occupied the Occupy Movement
The Occupy movement was an international socio-political demonstration against social and economic inequality and lack of democracy around the world. It started on September 17, 2011 in New York City's Zuccotti Park under the name Occupy Wall Street. The movement has called for solutions to the problems of society. I contributed to the movement by offering new ideas for reaching social justice, and they were discussed over the Internet. But the movement has never succeeded in defining its goals or political demands. I will explain why here. The changes that the Occupy movement desired were not acceptable to the government, and it had the interest to prevent the independence of the movement. In 5 months, the government cleaned all demonstration camps of the Occupy movement in the US, but it continued to work. Then the US government sent trained agents to take control over the movement. They managed to control the movement through financial and organizational support. It was not difficult to achieve because the Occupy movement was open to all people. Volunteers run it. There was no hierarchy. Anyone could suggest ideas. As such, the Occupy movement was very vulnerable to the destructive attack of the government. Finally, the Occupy movement has become a tool of the government. At the beginning of 2012, I joined the group "Visions and Goals" within NYCGA of the Occupy movement in New York. I proposed to the group a very simple measure for reaching social justice. It was based on a reduction of work hours proportionally to the unemployment rate. The elimination of unemployment would increase the demand for workers on the market, which would increase their salaries. I have defined it in the article Let’s remove unemployment. Higher workers’salaries would raise the trade of goods and services on the market, which would grow the economy and improve social wellbeing. Such a measure would be beneficial to all. History has proved it. In the 14th Century, the Black Death killed one-third of the European population, which suddenly increased demand for workers. The shortage of workers increased the workers’ wages. Michael Bennett confirmed it in the article The Impact of the Black Death on English Legal History, Australian Journal of Law and Society, 1995, page 197: "In Parliament, in 1351 the Commons petitioned Edward III for a more resolute and effective response. They complained that "servants completely disregard the said ordinance in the interests of their ease and greed and that they withhold their services to great men and others unless they have liveries and wages twice or three times as great as [prior to the plague] to the serious damage of the great men and impoverishment of all members of the said commons."" According to this, if the Occupy movement accepted a goal of reducing the work to 5 hours per day; the lack of workers would increase workers’ salaries 2-3 times per hour in one year. The daily wages would rise 30-90% for just a 5-hour shift. Workers would work shorter hours and earn much more. It has already happened so that if the idea were accepted, the Occupy movement would get a good goal of joint action. The Activist of the group "Visions and Goals" Patrick Conway, responded to me that my idea was interesting but that we first needed to find a consensus on basic issues. Patrick Conway insisted on a consensus of common actions between Democrats, Republicans, Marxists, liberals, anarchists, socialists, and followers of other political views, which is impossible to accomplish. His high education won the confidence of the activists before I had joined the group. Also, he attended all of the meetings of the "Visions and Goals" group in New York, which I was not able to do at all by living in Toronto. Thus, a discussion of my ideas in the "Visions and Goals" group ended. It seems to me that Patrick Conway prevented any agreement in the group "Vision and Goals." This was certainly one of the reasons the Occupy movement had not defined its vision clearly nor its goals for joint action. This once very active group soon became deserted.
Today is impossible not to find information about any activist on the Internet so that I strongly believe Patrick Conway was a state agent with a fake name which only the government could provide. But the picture he enclosed was real. If somebody recognizes him, please provide me with his basic information. My article "Let’s remove unemployment" should be welcomed to all the Occupy movement websites because it advocates for social justice and presents a simple way to achieve it. It would have to be published just because it has good intentions. It could have opened the discussion to demonstrate the eligibility, conductivity and feasibility of my views. But the article was not welcome by the Occupy movement. None of their websites published it. Not publishing the article clearly showed that the people who decide what would get published on the Occupy websites did not want the progress of society. They had bad intentions. I have managed to establish my independent hub in the Interoccupy group. As a holder of a hub, I believed that I would be able to participate in the work of the movement actively. I published the action proposals but have not received any response. Interoccupy was supposed to foster communication between individuals, working groups and local general assemblies across the movement but it did not. In reality, it blocked all of the progressive ideas of the members of the Occupy groups. Interoccupy published barely one news article daily which could be found in the major media. They generally published announcements and calls for numerous demonstrations of the Occupy movement. They actually said to people: run across the country, scream as much as you can, and when you get tired, go home and sleep. The government prevented the spreading of progressive ideas in the Occupy movement. Instead it imposed a view that all problems happen coincidentally and that they should be solved independently. In other words, the movement encouraged endless conversations and actions which could not get close to the roots of the problems. The protestors did not have a solution, either the operational possibility that might reduce social injustice. I believe that most of the Occupy movements were secretly financed by the government and by the rich with which the Occupy movement struggles. They made fools of the fighters for justice, who naively fell for their fraud. Some of the members of the Occupy movement have responded to me that they are aware that the US government probably had agents among them, but they ignored it. They believed that they could achieve their goals anyway. In reality, the Occupy movements were blocked at the root of the movement, so it did not stand a chance. The main point of this article is, the US agencies do not have the right to interfere in the political life of the US citizens. They would never interfere in big parties, but they do it in the political activities of poor Americans. US agencies are paid to protect American citizens and not to prevent their political activities. But they do protect the rich. I strongly believe that the US government’s interfering in political activities of the US citizens is an organized crime committed in the interest of rich Americans. The Occupy movement is still alive because it cannot compromise the rich conspirators while it groups dissatisfied people, enabling conspirators to manipulate them easily. Paradoxically, the rich keep it alive. The Occupy movement keeps being supported by the rich even though it does not present any social power anymore because it has helped the rich to direct dissatisfied people to useless paths. I hope this is a good warning for future movements. I learned how conspiracies originated twelve years earlier in the aggression on my homeland Yugoslavia and presented my findings in the article My debt to Yugoslavia. Based on this experience, I performed an extended study which exposed the conspiracy in the western world. I presented the conclusion of my work in the article Jacob Rothschild is guilty for the conspiracy against humankind. I have discovered that the Rothschilds are the largest enemy of the people. They have hidden their power so that nobody can accuse them of their wrongdoings. Also, they have cunningly taught people to call every criticism of them as anti-Semitism because, in this way, they can hide their evil doings more. I have been accused of being anti-Semite many times even though I am not one. I had to reveal the truth about the Rothschilds because it is not possible to win the enemy if the enemy is unknown. Somehow I managed to publish this article in one of the Occupy web sites but later found it was removed. Conspiracies are a major social problem, and preventing articles from revealing them makes solving the problem impossible. It’s like forbidding doctors to recognize illnesses.
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February 11, 2019