Humanism in Hints

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Humanism in Hints 


A good society requires power to the people. Such power today almost does not exist, but in the future it will be by today’s standards, unthinkably strong. The centralized political and economic system I have proposed will allow direct democracy to rule the society. 

The people will especially be able to directly and very simply create the macroeconomic policy of society. For example, each worker will independently decide how much of their own incomes they want to pay for the development of the economy, the collective and individual consumption in society. The mean value of all the people’s expressions will determine the fiscal, developmental and income policies of the society. 

Then we need to form a permanently open work market for every work post in publicly owned companies. The best available worker will get any job at any time. This measure will require a special regulation that will ensure responsibility and stability in the production processes. 

Such a work competition will create a much higher economic productivity than capitalism can, so that private companies will be forced to join the new system. They will be adequately compensated for it. 

It will be necessary to realize a much higher social security to the people that we have today so that every individual will receive an income. The incomes will be proportional to their contributions to producing values in society, but they will be corrected with some humanist requirements. 

The integrated company will develop production of goods by following the orders of the consumers, which will form the most stable, democratically planned economy. 

By the regulation of workers' responsibilities and income compensations for work, all public work posts will be equally desirable. 

In the new system, not one public job will be privileged anymore, and that will eliminate immorality and corruption, some of the worst negativities of today's society. 

The system offers a solution to the problems of today's society through the truly equal rights among the people. The system will give freedom to the people to follow and protect their interests everywhere. However, people will not be able to do it on the expenses of other people anymore, because the system will not allow it. 

In the new system, each man will have an equal right to evaluate any other person. The positive evaluations will bring some recognizable awards to the assessed person, and the negative assessment will result in the same form of penalties. Such a simple measure will direct each member of society to create maximal possible advantages for the community and to diminish or abolish the creation of all forms of disadvantages. Such a simple measure will form a good society.  

By the time, the evaluation among people might even replace the state laws. The remaining will only be natural laws, defined by human nature and performed through the exercise of direct democracy and the system of evaluation. 

The system will give the people security and freedom to follow their productive interests in a manner that is unthinkable today. Life in such a system will enable people to demystify the alienated values of today's society and find where real values are. This way, the people will achieve the knowledge of how to get a wonderful life, love, peace, joy, stability, and harmony of the society beyond the wildest dreams today. 

Finally, the system will be accepted voluntarily. A few hundred or thousand people somewhere around the world may try the system and prove what I have just said. They would make a paradise on earth, and then the rest of the world would undoubtedly follow the same direction. The development of such a system will finally create a harmonious and good society with happy individuals. 

If you like this short article, I recommend you to read Humanism Clearly, which will give you a clearer picture of the system, and then the other articles and the book.

May 25, 2004


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